Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Bedtime Stories
I have started a new book of children's classics with the girls, hoping it will last us several weeks of bedtime tales. The first story was Huck Finn. It is not the whole book, obviously, but a short piece of the book. We got a bit into it and Maya said, "Hey! Fuck Finn! That's not nice!" I about died and had to explain that his name is Huck Finn, and not a bedtime word. She felt much better after that.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Chicken Fingers (of the sea)
I have been working really hard lately on eating right and exercising. In my new found eating plan, I have added a lot of fish. My children will not eat fish, which is a shame living on the coast. They just have it in their heads that fish is gross and that fish = goldfish, which they have in their room. So I decided that I would try fish sticks, but the ones in the grocery store aren't exactly healthy, so I thought I would attempt making them myself. I bought a pound and a half of Haddock and cut it into fish stick size shapes, dipped them in whole wheat flour, dipped in egg white, then into some seasoned breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan mixture. With the oven at 450 degrees, I put a cookie sheet in the oven for a few minutes, then removed and coated with olive oil. After that, I put the fish sticks on the sheet and flipped them all over so they would be lightly oiled on each side. Last, into the oven for seven minutes, then flip over and cook another seven. I took them out and served them with ketchup. Oh, I also told them that they were chicken fingers. That was Will's idea. I was going to tell them it was fish after they said they liked it, but he warned that they may never eat it again, so we just called it chicken and they were none the wiser. I feel a little guilty, but if it will get them eating fish, I am all for it. Allie and Maya asked for seconds, I could not believe it. Those were the best chicken fingers I have ever had.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Maya's Third Birthday
Sunday was Maya's third birthday. I cannot believe that she is three. She has grown so big and has gotten so smart. Her speech has come so far, and all of those cute things she used to say incorrectly are now nearly perfect with no trace of baby left behind. All she wanted for her birthday was cake with fruit on top of it, a candle, a bounce house and for Ryleigh to spend the night. She got all of those things. I made her cake with her help, we bought the candle, and we took her to the Bounce Zone which is a giant place filled with bounce houses and slides and obstacles all of the blow up material. She was the happiest girl. I have loved watching her grow and change these past three years. From her rough start and hospitalization from thirteen days old until just shy of her six week birthday, to her transformation into a wonderful, sweet, stubborn, helpful, polite, willful, lovely little three year old person, I have been amazed. She is my baby, my last little girl, and I am enjoying every wonderful and difficult thing about watching her grow. I did tell her that when she turned three, the rule is that there is no more crying when you get frustrated because you don't get your way. It has worked so far, but it has only been twenty four hours... I love you sweet Maya and can't wait to see what the future brings.
Helping to make the cake.
Crashed on the couch with her new Hippo. It was a great day.
Friday, May 8, 2009
She Figured Out How To Pump On The Swings!
Allie figured this out the other day and was so proud! I am so happy for her, she has been trying forever to understand the mystery of it all. I caught it on film, and it was wonderful.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Flower Park Pictures
The Tulips are in bloom again. We took our annual trip to the park for pictures, but really I was focused on the kids I take care of for their Mother's day pics. My kids group pics are less than desirable, but I did get a great one of Maya and a super one of Lilly. Allie had fallen and skinned her knee, and therefore was in no mood for pictures. Oh, in total I had six kids. Two are three,two are two, a four year old and a six year old at the park which is so not fenced inand with a huge planting in the middle which everyone likes to run around. It was interesting to say the least. Everyone made it hope in one piece (aside from two scraped knees) which was a definite bonus
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Baby Quilt
I have a real thing for quilts. Specifically baby quilts. Every time a friend announces the pending arrival of a new baby, I get so excited for a new sweet one in our lives, but also because I now have an excuse to make a quilt. I made them for all my girls, and did them all by hand. No sewing machine here, I can't drag a sewing machine to my porch, or into bed, so I go old school all the way. The newest addition to my high school friend, Asher, and his wife, Susan's family is Charlotte. She was born about two weeks ago and is their first child. I am so happy for them and know they will be amazing parents. I finished Charlotte's quilt today, the back is that super soft minky fleece. I sort of wish I could keep it, I think it is my favorite one so far, I hope she loves it for years to come. I also tried hand stitching her name. It is my first attempt, and I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out.