Friday, August 28, 2009
My Wife
My wife has no idea I am writing this. She thinks I am taking a nap. I just wanted to write about this tremendous woman. I met her in college as a friend and if I was smart I would have married her then. We were really good friends until a stupid little fight (she doesn't remember). I enlisted in the Army shortly after graduating and after an overseas deployment I made a one phone call to her. She did not answer but saved the message. After that we were inseparable for the rest of my stay at home. I kept pushing back the drive time to leave to spend more time together. We walked around a supermarket holding hands for hours. One market all night. She racked up a 900 dollar phone bill calling me at Ft. Campbell KY. I invited her up months later and soon I asked her to be my wife. Since then she has been the best life mate, partner, friend I could ask for. She is always there. Some people say this but you have to know my wife to get it. She is always there for me. There is no problem she cannot solve. No bad situation that she cannot make good. She has been there for me when my mother passed from Cancer. My beautiful wife would drive 3 hours up and back to take my mother to Chemo. From Maine to RI she would do this. She was there for me when I finally faced my alcoholism and saved me. She saved me from becoming everything I never wanted to be and pushed me into everything I did. When I lost my father I lost part of myself. He, next to my wife and children, was the closest person to me. I adored my father and when I watched him die in my arms my world flew apart. It was because of my wife that I went back from Maine to RI to see him one night after just pulling into our driveway. She said go back we will be fine. Think of him now I will be here. I went back and he died in my arms minutes after walking through the door. She helped me fight back the urge to drink got me to face my demons and confront my grief. She was there for me. She is the most caring, attentive and affectionate mother I have ever seen. She spent one solid month in the hospital with our youngest, sweet Maya and never left her side. Never left her side. She is our rock and foundation. I take my lead from her as a parent and as a person. The children worship her as do most of her friends kids. She always does something with them. She never tires. She is quick to teach them life lessons from every day adventures. They all excel because of her. She is the best role model a child could ask for. If you have not had the privilege of being my wife's friend you are missing out. As much for them as for me she has been a constant source of support and guidance. Always providing advice, comfort and a safe place to leave their children when a night out is needed. She takes no time for herself and still manages to light up every room she walks into. My beautiful Italian Princess. She gave me three beautiful children, two fantastic in-laws and she gave me my life back. I exist because of her and for her. She is my wife and I love her. Just thought you should know.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wedding Day
My best, longest known, growing up together friend got married this weekend. It was the most gorgeous wedding I have ever been to. All three of the kids were flower girls were in it, and I was one of the four bridesmaids. We had so much fun. There were six flower girls in all. They all had wreaths of flowers on their heads, and beautiful baskets of wild flowers to drop. The weather was amazing, about 80 degrees, and a wonderful afternoon sea breeze to keep up cool. There was so much. There was dancing, her Dad drove her to the aisle in a horse drawn (her horse that she has had since she was about twelve), there were sweet stories told, and many happy tears shed. At the end of the night, we set off these rice paper lanterns that we all wrote good wishes on. You light this fuel pad at the bottom of the lantern, and the heat from the flame fills the lantern, like a hot air balloon and it floats up into the sky. After a few minutes, and much height, it burns out and turns to ash. Seriously the coolest sight. I am so happy for her and know that she will have such a happy, wonderful life with J. I feel like I have so much to say about the whole experience, but can't find the words.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We went fishing for the first time this year. Actually, it is only the second time the girls have ever been fishing. They liked it a lot, despite all of the waiting. Allie was the only one to catch anything, and that wasn't a fish, but it was a pretty big crab. He held on all the way up while she was reeling him in. She was so excited and proud, although not excited enough to hold him. He was a little to pinchy for her liking. The girls have already requested another trip, and we are happy to go. Hopefully the fish will be biting next time.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Allie's Quote of the day
"You know, if you think you can make a really quiet sound, you can also make it very loud."
Sort of deep if you want to delve into it that way...
Sort of deep if you want to delve into it that way...