Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving, spreading joy, and happiness
Yes, I know it's two days away, but I have been thinking a lot about being thankful lately. Two of the biggest things we try to teach our children are to be kind, and to be thankful. From the time they were tiny, we practiced please and thank you, and also doing for others. We try to see how many good deeds we can do. Little things that seem inconsequential, like bringing in our neighbor's recycling buckets on trash day, and paying for the car behind us in at a toll booth are things that we do with regularity. They are things that get the girls excited. We try and think of things that will put smiles on the faces of others. Things that also put smiles on our faces. We like to do that. I think it makes a little bit more positive energy in the universe, which we could all use. We like to donate our bottles and cans for the refund, then donate it to a featured charity. We do this all year. I think that a lot of people think of being grateful and thankful around this time of year, but forget for a lot of the year. I try really hard to make a difference all the time in small ways. Last week I paid for the person behind me in the coffee line, then quickly left before he knew what was going on. I like to think he took that feeling and did something else good that day. Sometimes it's enough to brighten my day, doing for others. I try to be there for friends and take their kids for an afternoon so they can have a break. I think the more good you do, the better it feels. The girls are always trying to think of good deeds now, too. Lilly and her friends pick up trash on the playground during recess without being asked. Maya offers her friends the instrument they want if she has it during music time at school. Allie draws pictures for her friends to cheer them up if they are having a rough day. I think it's working. I think they are thinking about other people and how to make them happy, and they are seeing that helping brings them joy, too. I am incredibly proud of my girls and who they are turning into. I am thankful this year that we are so happy. I am thankful for the opportunities this year has given us. I am thankful that we were able to care for our friend and her baby. I am thankful that my girls are who they are. I am thankful that my husband has become an even more amazing, compassionate, caring, patient person. I am thankful that my parents are just next door and give us all so much love and support. I am thankful that my uncle is doing better than anyone ever expected he would health wise. I am thankful for all of my friends and rest of my family who are always there when we need them, and who allow us to be there for them. I am thankful that we can all bring tiny bits of joy into the lives of others. I am thankful.