Thursday, December 30, 2010


We go sledding in the same park every year.  This year, due to some "improvements" to the hill (read jumps, rails to grind on, and other fanicness for exclusively snowboarders) we moved our sledding to a nearby hilly golf course.  It was awesome.  So many more hills to choose from, steeper hills, jumps, and way less crowding.  I sadly forgot the big camera and only had the iphone, but managed this shot of Lilly catching air on the big jump. It was so much fun.  We are definitely making this our new hill!

Friday, December 24, 2010

First playable snow

We went out to play in the snow yesterday and the kids made forts to hide behind during the snowball fight.  I love how I caught Maya sneaking around the fort with a bucket of snow and a sneaky hunched over stance.  We made snowmen and basically used up all of the snow in the front yard.  Fun Fun Fun.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Show Me the Mommy (and Daddy)

Maya had her Christmas show at school on Wednesday.  A friend snapped this picture of the three of us after it was all over.  I love it!  (It looks so odd to only have one child in a photo with both of us)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gingerbread cookies

I made gingerbread people and trees last night.  Will starts a new job tomorrow, so he wanted to bring in some treats for the people he will miss.  This was so much fun, although he could not wait for me to finish and kept dipping cookies in straight powdered sugar so he could eat them...
I love that they are super simple, and quick, and really like how they turned out.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Show me the Mommy

After school yesterday, while still on the playground, I decided to snap a quick picture of Allie and me.  She's especially snuggly after a day at school, so I knew she'd cooperate.  (I still cannot believe how low thw sun is at 3:00 )

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I found them this way

...and continued to watch them for several minutes before risking a photo...
whatever was on tv was so interesting that they didn't even notice, until a commercial.
(ans yes, I am a little obsessed with the hipstamatic app.  I promise it won't last forever.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Three Frames

From this...

to this...

to this.
All at once.
My little fruitcakes.