Thursday, December 30, 2010
We go sledding in the same park every year. This year, due to some "improvements" to the hill (read jumps, rails to grind on, and other fanicness for exclusively snowboarders) we moved our sledding to a nearby hilly golf course. It was awesome. So many more hills to choose from, steeper hills, jumps, and way less crowding. I sadly forgot the big camera and only had the iphone, but managed this shot of Lilly catching air on the big jump. It was so much fun. We are definitely making this our new hill!
Friday, December 24, 2010
First playable snow
We went out to play in the snow yesterday and the kids made forts to hide behind during the snowball fight. I love how I caught Maya sneaking around the fort with a bucket of snow and a sneaky hunched over stance. We made snowmen and basically used up all of the snow in the front yard. Fun Fun Fun.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Show Me the Mommy (and Daddy)
Maya had her Christmas show at school on Wednesday. A friend snapped this picture of the three of us after it was all over. I love it! (It looks so odd to only have one child in a photo with both of us)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Gingerbread cookies
I made gingerbread people and trees last night. Will starts a new job tomorrow, so he wanted to bring in some treats for the people he will miss. This was so much fun, although he could not wait for me to finish and kept dipping cookies in straight powdered sugar so he could eat them...
I love that they are super simple, and quick, and really like how they turned out.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Show me the Mommy
After school yesterday, while still on the playground, I decided to snap a quick picture of Allie and me. She's especially snuggly after a day at school, so I knew she'd cooperate. (I still cannot believe how low thw sun is at 3:00 )
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I found them this way
...and continued to watch them for several minutes before risking a photo...
whatever was on tv was so interesting that they didn't even notice, until a commercial.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving, spreading joy, and happiness
Yes, I know it's two days away, but I have been thinking a lot about being thankful lately. Two of the biggest things we try to teach our children are to be kind, and to be thankful. From the time they were tiny, we practiced please and thank you, and also doing for others. We try to see how many good deeds we can do. Little things that seem inconsequential, like bringing in our neighbor's recycling buckets on trash day, and paying for the car behind us in at a toll booth are things that we do with regularity. They are things that get the girls excited. We try and think of things that will put smiles on the faces of others. Things that also put smiles on our faces. We like to do that. I think it makes a little bit more positive energy in the universe, which we could all use. We like to donate our bottles and cans for the refund, then donate it to a featured charity. We do this all year. I think that a lot of people think of being grateful and thankful around this time of year, but forget for a lot of the year. I try really hard to make a difference all the time in small ways. Last week I paid for the person behind me in the coffee line, then quickly left before he knew what was going on. I like to think he took that feeling and did something else good that day. Sometimes it's enough to brighten my day, doing for others. I try to be there for friends and take their kids for an afternoon so they can have a break. I think the more good you do, the better it feels. The girls are always trying to think of good deeds now, too. Lilly and her friends pick up trash on the playground during recess without being asked. Maya offers her friends the instrument they want if she has it during music time at school. Allie draws pictures for her friends to cheer them up if they are having a rough day. I think it's working. I think they are thinking about other people and how to make them happy, and they are seeing that helping brings them joy, too. I am incredibly proud of my girls and who they are turning into. I am thankful this year that we are so happy. I am thankful for the opportunities this year has given us. I am thankful that we were able to care for our friend and her baby. I am thankful that my girls are who they are. I am thankful that my husband has become an even more amazing, compassionate, caring, patient person. I am thankful that my parents are just next door and give us all so much love and support. I am thankful that my uncle is doing better than anyone ever expected he would health wise. I am thankful for all of my friends and rest of my family who are always there when we need them, and who allow us to be there for them. I am thankful that we can all bring tiny bits of joy into the lives of others. I am thankful.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Snapshots of our lives lately
Monday, October 11, 2010
Weekend Fun
Warrior Lilly before the race. |
Joanna and family approaching check in. |
Lilly and Allie shooting paintball, and looking rather pleased with the situation. |
My attempt at a picture of my girls. Laura got a waaaaay better one. |
Warrior waitress Allie with the frisbee she won. |
Sweet Maya with the Warrior hat. |
The mountain of muddy donated shoes after just the morning. I can only imagine what it looked like at the end of the second day. I do not envy the person who has to un knot all of those shoes. |
The girls being patient. |
Maya ducky lips and Daddy during the race. |
Fountain fun at night. I know it's blurry, but I love it for some reason. |
Our best Warrior faces. |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Warrior Dash
Warrior Dash was AWESOME! It was amazing to finally get to meet Laura and Joanna. I know, I'm a little late to the meeting other moms party, but it was totally worth the wait. The kids all got along like they play together all the time, and I felt like I have known Laura and Joanna for years, because I guess I sort of have. We met up for dinner the night before Warrior Dash, at Sonic of all places, because we had some long days of driving between us, and the kids spent a good amount of time running around the tables. After that we went back to Joanna's sweet suite and the kids ran and played some more and we got a chance to talk. I have to say, it felt like talking to people I talk to on a regular basis, which was great. The next morning we met at Warrior dash, and all of this took place;
The group shot before:
Now, after the group shot and before the first mud picture, there were tons more obstacles that spectators could not see, so no pictures, including a giant cargo net, hay bales to climb over, horse trailer type things we had to haul ourselves over using ropes and a foot hold, tunnels to crawl through, beams to balance across, and a FAH-REEEZING pond with rolling logs to make it over, and the bottom of the pond was slopey and the slipperiest footing I've ever been on, so while going through we fell multiple times, and by the time we made it to the other side our legs (and girl parts) were frozen. Then there was a muddy hill with no traction to climb, then finally the long awaited mud pit. Can you see me and Laura peeking our heads out of the mud pit? Joanna was behind that girl's legs, darn it.
Here we are having made it through the mud. Seriously, if you tried to not get dirty, they threw mud on you and people booed. There was no getting out of this one clean. It was Awesome.
Here we are at the fire jump. There were two of these, and they were both composed of rows and rows of Duraflame logs. Have some fumes...Up and over!
And then over the second jump and on to the finish!
Here we are after with our muddy medals.
This is the best after group shot Will got, some of the kids were somewhere else, or I guess just Lilly is missing, and Alex just barely squeezed in, but here we are. It was a blast!
After this shot, we went and stood in a line of a bazillion muddy people and waited to be literally hosed off by the fire department. I never knew one person could be so muddy. Let's not even discuss what a sports bra packed with mud looks like even after you thought you were clean. I'll just say cleavage mud and leave it at that. It was a fantastic day, and I am already looking forward to next year!