Monday, May 19, 2008

Birthday Cakes

I have gotten into a birthday cake making contest with myself. Last year for Maya's birthday party, I made a carousel cake. It was my first fancy cake, and I was very proud of it. I stayed up way too late, and was way too anal about certain details and not attenive enough to others. The cake had sugar cookie carousel horses which I decorated painstakingly, but forgot to frost the backs before attaching them to the cake. No one else had noticed when I mentioned it, but that's all I could focus on. It still bothers me when I see a picture of it. I know, let it go. So this year I have found another amazing cake to make. It has 120 daisies that I have to make by hand with different frosting tips, then allow them to dry for a day or so, then apply to the finished cake. I decided to practice tonight so I wouldn't be up all night this year. I made the frosting, tinted it to the appropriate colors and began. I made about 50 flowers when I realized that I had been using the wrong frosting, and that the flowers I had spent a good hour making would not be drying as the correct recipe would have. So now I have 50 daisies that I put in the freezer and will be putting on the girls' pancakes in the morning. I figured it was just sugar and butter, so I am sure they will make pancakes quite tasty. As for the flowers that still need to be made...tomorrow is another day for trying. I will post a picture after the party this weekend. Here is a picture of the carousel cake from last year. (See what I mean about the backs of the horse cookies?)


  1. Great cake and I look forward to seeing the cake from this year!

  2. OMG!! That is amazing!! LOL I was like wow wonder where she got that awesome cake?! Can't wait to see this years!
