Friday, May 16, 2008

The Birthday Girl

Maya is turning two tomorrow. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. She had her well child check up today, and her doctor was floored by all she can do. I am always impressed with her, but she's my kid, so I should be. She has come so far since her last birthday. She is speaking in paragraphs, she is completely potty trained, she loves fruit snacks and juice boxes (she calls them jewwwwwwwww bock), she is a great sharer (for a two year old), she is very loving and incredibly funny. I am so proud of the person she is becoming. She asks why twenty seven times an hour and I try to answer every one. I see her changing every day, becoming more independent little girl, less toddler. She has become very particular about her wardrobe lately, and is also suddenly a huge fan of gum. I know, gum is not the best choice for a two year old, but it makes her really happy, and I don't let her jump around when she is chewing it, so I think it will be okay. She carries around a stuffed monkey she calls Aaht all the time. We actually have three, all the same in case one gets lost. She is in love with that monkey. She started carrying him around for about a year now and he(all three of them) looks a lot more loved than when he was new. In fact, we bought her another one recently and she hated it because it was too soft. Go figure. She is a fantastic little person and I am looking forward to all the adventures in the years ahead.

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