Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Least Favorite Mommy Job...So Far

So I wasn't going to blog about this, because I find it absolutely disgusting and it makes my skin crawl, but this is supposed to record real life events, good and bad, so here goes. Lilly came home from school two weeks ago saying, "Mom, my head itches" so you know my first thought...head lice! I don't think I can do this. So I check her head, nothing. I mean I check it for a good 20 minutes with a comb. Nothing. I give her a bath thinking maybe I didn't get all the soap out the night before. The itching seems to have subsided, so I think we are in the clear. The next day, after coming home from school Lilly says, "Mommy, my head was really itchy today" I think that maybe my rinsing skills are inadequate, but check her head again. I see what I most feared. A little tiny (and I do mean tiny) white speck clinging to her hair. It won't blow off, it refuses to be flicked off. My blood goes cold. I know what it is. We have head lice. I send my mom to the store for the special shampoo, and we go at Lilly's head. Now we didn't find many, but we combed her head for an hour and a half to be sure. I wash all the bedding in HOT water several times (resisting the urge to burn everything) and remake all the beds in the house. I do all the laundry in hot water, and hope we are past this. This was a Friday night. Monday morning I call the school to report that we had the dreaded "hair bugs". The school nurse informs me that this is the season for it and that she has FOUR classes to check this morning because of this in other classes as well. I figure whoever brought it in would be sent home and treated and all would be well. I pick Lilly up at school and she informs me that no one checked her class today. UGH! THE NURSE DID NOT CHECK HER CLASS UNTIL FRIDAY! Now she has it again and I am ready to kill someone. I repeat all steps above and really just want to crawl into a hole somewhere. I am calling the school to complain and really just want to keep her home with us because school is almost over anyway. I never would, but I am tempted. I am thinking of shaving all of our heads. I know this sounds overly complainy, but I really really really hate this whole process, it makes me itch just thinking about it. I bet you scratched yourself at least once while reading this, didn't you? This is officially my least favorite Mommy job so far.


  1. I am literally cringing reading this. I will have to check for head lice as soon as the boys get home!!

  2. Oh goodness! I am sorry you are dealing with this. That is frustrating the nurse didn't check her class. Good luck dealing with this!

  3. Yuck! You get lice I get ringworm. Welcome to mommyhood I suppose.
