Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Commercials Really Do Work

Lilly: "my eye hurts"
Mommy: "I'm sorry your eye hurts. How does it hurt?"
Lilly: "It hurts right here, in the corner, it's sorta sore"
Allie: " Eye drops get the red out. Maybe you need eye drops"
Lilly: " Mommy, do I need eyedrops?"
Mommy: "I think you'll be okay without eye drops."
Allie: "But eye drops get the red out"

Eerily, Visene commercial begins to play in the background

Allie: "See, eye drops get the red out, they moose tureize"
Lilly: "No, they roosterize"
Allie: " They moose tureize"
Mommy: " They moisturize"
Allie: "See, you need to get some."

Mommy tries not to collapse in fits of laughter.

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