Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Farmer's Market

We have the greatest Farmer's Market near our house. Every Saturday morning the local farmers set up in a local park and sell their wares. We usually forget until about 10 am, but this weekend, we remembered Friday night so we planned to leave the house about 8. The girls wanted to bring the wagon and the dog with us, so we were quite a sight walking down the street. The girls always want to go for the Raspberries, Strawberries and muffins. We did all of our shopping and then they sat in the wagon finishing off all of the berries we purchased, so we had to get more. I have to admit, they were pretty cute sitting there with juice dripping down their chins and arms (note the pink spots all over Allie's shirt). We also purchased flowers and some mint for Mojitos later on. Seriously the best summer drink ever. I got some great pictures of our morning, hopefully we will make it just as early next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, as usual, Maria. Your post made me miss city living once again. Things just don't grow well up here at altitude. Oh, btw, I tagged you for a very prestigious award over at my place. :)
