Monday, July 28, 2008

Sweet Oddities of Speech

I love the strange, odd, sweet ways in which very young children say things. I am always sure that I will remember all of them, but in reality I don't. These are some of my very favorites.

Maya: Instead of saying I'm or I, she says "my". As in "my Maya" or "my do" for I'm Maya and I do.
Popsicle is Pock-a-lil.
Banana is Banama
Fish is Fif
Ryleigh was Wywee, now Rywee
Orange is Oschren
Smarties(the candy) is Fwmawties

Lilly: (when she was little ) used to say Yiddee which progressed to Yilly which finally went to Lilly. She couldn't say L, tricky name for someone who has trouble with L.

Allie: Couldn't say "th" until very recently. Mother was mudder, another was anudder.

I love the funny ways they say things, and always get a tiny bit sad when they learn the sound the right way.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! William says, "Hold you" when he wants me to hold him. And a snack is a "nack." I'm going to make a point of trying to remember more of them! Great post.
