Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jelly Beans

I walked downstairs a few minutes after the girls this morning. I usually do this, so I thought nothing of it. I walked into the playroom to find Maya sitting on the floor with a bag of jellybeans. She had pulled a chair over to the counter, climbed up, and found the jellybeans that we bought two days ago. Apparently she thought they'd make a nice breakfast. I couldn't take them away right away, she had put in so much effort to get them, so I snapped a quick picture. I told her she could have one more and them she had to give me the bag. Amazingly, she followed directions perfectly and gave them up happily. I am sure she was probably ready to be done, or it wouldn't have gone so smoothly, but I will definitely take it. Oh, and note the shoes...she dressed herself.

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