Monday, August 11, 2008

Old Friend New Friend

We got to hang out with one of my favorite people yesterday. We don't see each other much, as she lives about ten hours away (by car) from us, but when we do get to it is a lot of fun. Alex and I have been friends since we were fourteen. We met riding horses and spent countless hours at the barn in freezing winters and sweaty summers. We have remained friends through college, my marriage and the birth of my children, (one of whom is named for her) and now, we get to be friends through her wedding and all that leads up to that. Alex has found the one. I have had the pleasure of meeting him, and I definitely approve (because you know that matters). I am so happy for her, because she is so happy and comfortable and herself with him. He seems like a sweet man who loves her because of who she is and how they feel together. Plus, her dog is crazy about him and we all know that is important. So we all got together at her parent's house, and got to be ourselves and eat, drink, and play with all of the kids of friends and family. Alex and J were engaged only three days ago, so wedding plans have been only minimally discussed, but I can't wait to see how it ends up, but knowing Alex it will be simple and take your breath away all at the same time. I hope they have all the love and trust in each other that it takes to make it, and I wish them all the happiness there is. I am looking forward to many more days with her and to making a new old friend in J.

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