Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Apple Picking

We went apple picking this weekend for the first time this year. It was a blast! The trees were so heavy with apples that we didn't have to walk into the orchard at all. The girls picked the first five trees we saw, and picked half a bushel in about eight minutes. There were tons of apples down so low that they could actually reach down to pick the apples. When our bags were full, the girls spent about five minutes searching for the perfect apple to eat. We all found our eating apples for the ride home and then polished our apples until we could almost see out faces in the apples they were so shiny. We each ate probably five apples that day, and they have become the go to snack of the week. I am also planning an apple pie for later in the week. fall is definitely in the air.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE apples, but I have never been apple picking. It sounds like a ton of fun (and I am so jealous)!
