Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Highway

Driving to dinner the other night, we were on the highway. We were in a rental car with automatic windows the kids can actually reach, so of course the whole trip it was up, down, up, down, windy, still, windy, still. Will had the girls convinced that the windows voice activated. Every time they would say up he would use the driver side controls to follow directions without letting them know that he was doing it. They think this rental is the coolest thing ever. Finally after about fifty rounds of up down with the windows, we were off the highway and onto a regular road at a fairly slow speed (read less windy during the up down game). Allie noticed that we were travelling much more slowly and said, "are we off the highway?" I told her that we were, and then she asked, "so, are we on the low way now?" I love how my little people label the world.

1 comment:

  1. I've got to remember that game. That is so funny.

    LOL about the low way.
