Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last Day of Summer Ice Cream Trip

It was a beautiful day here today. The girls and I walked to a super yummy restaurant for breakfast. It was brisk, and definitely felt like Fall was here. We all shared a little of everything for breakfast, yogurt, fruit, bacon, sausage, toast with lots of jelly, eggs, and home fries. It was delicious. We took our time walking home, stopping to look at every little thing along the way. We went home, picked up the car and took it to the do it yourself car wash. I did it myself, they watched from inside the was a bit too chilly to risk the accidental/intentional soaking with the hose. We decided to go to the bookstore as Lilly has developed quite an appetite for chapter books. She read an entire one in a day! She really is becoming quite a reader. We picked up my Mom and took her with us. We love hanging out with her, and today no one had anything to do so it was a perfect day. We spent about an hour at the bookstore, and got Lilly a new Junie B. Jones book, but honestly I think that character is a pretty rude little kid, so I also looked for a new series for her to start and found a (seemingly) great one; Ivy and Bean. It seems sweet, so I hope she likes that series more. I will let her read whatever she wants, though because reading should be enjoyable, and I know she can handle reading about a bratty kid without turning into one. Allie and Maya picked out new Halloween books and we were off. I had to run an errand which would have been boring for the girls (read- Maya would have tried to displace every object in the store...two is an interesting age) so they waited in the car with my Mom. When we were done there, we went for ice cream. It had warmed up so much that it was a welcome treat. I think we are ending the days of enjoying a cone outside, so we lingered an extra long time. We had a wonderfully relaxing day together, I wish there were more days like today.


  1. Sounds like a perfect day with your girls. Those are some clean ice cream eating faces--wow! When Lana eats ice cream she dives in and has an ice cream goatee.

  2. Julie-
    We have LOTS of practice and they have sort of a contest to see who can not get a drop on them and they came up with it on their own! That is my kind of contest.
