I used to think Go Diego Go! was a cute show. Really, I did. Now, not so much. Maya is seriously addicted to that show. Well, as addicted to something as you can be when it is controlled by someone else. She LOVES Diego and everything about his show. She loves the animal noises, the Spanish words she learns, and the songs. Yes, yes quite educational if you care to know a half an hours worth of cartoon information about Pygmy Marmosets or some other creature of the sort. I am not really that interested. I wish the Pygmy Marmoset well and all, but I can't take it anymore. Either can Lilly and Allie. We all have Diego sized nightmares and try to ignore all requests for Diego.
It goes something like this:
Maya:" Mommy, I please have Go Diego?"
Mommy: "Diego's not on right now."
Maya: "Mommy, you just check, OK?"
Mommy: "Maya, Diego isn't on until later, we can watch before bedtime."
Maya: " Mommy, just check...please?!"
(Maya, thank god, has no concept of tivo and therefore has no clue that Diego is
available at all hours.)
Mommy: " No, I am not going to check, because you do not need to watch Diego right now,
let's go color."
Maya: "No, I no wanna color, I wanna watch Go Diego."
Mommy: "I know you want to watch Go Diego, but we're not doing that right now."
Maya: "PLEASE! I really want Go Diego. Mommy, I can watch Go Diego? Mommy, I watch Go
Mommy : gives silent warning Mommy glare
Maya: (in the calmest sweetest voice she can muster, which is actually surprisingly sweet and
calm) Mommy, I please watch Go Diego?"
Mommy: "Diego is on at bedtime. You can watch then."
Repeat ten times a day.
Fast forward to bedtime and Go Diego music is playing
Maya: "YEAH! GO DIEGO! YEAH YEAH YEAAAHHH!! HeeHee Haaaaaa Yeahhhhhhhhhh!
Lilly and Allie simultaneously: "Not again! We are tired of Diego, can we PLEASE watch
something else?!"

Please let her pick a new show soon, for the sake of every one's sanity.
It goes something like this:
Maya:" Mommy, I please have Go Diego?"
Mommy: "Diego's not on right now."
Maya: "Mommy, you just check, OK?"
Mommy: "Maya, Diego isn't on until later, we can watch before bedtime."
Maya: " Mommy, just check...please?!"
(Maya, thank god, has no concept of tivo and therefore has no clue that Diego is
available at all hours.)
Mommy: " No, I am not going to check, because you do not need to watch Diego right now,
let's go color."
Maya: "No, I no wanna color, I wanna watch Go Diego."
Mommy: "I know you want to watch Go Diego, but we're not doing that right now."
Maya: "PLEASE! I really want Go Diego. Mommy, I can watch Go Diego? Mommy, I watch Go
Mommy : gives silent warning Mommy glare
Maya: (in the calmest sweetest voice she can muster, which is actually surprisingly sweet and
calm) Mommy, I please watch Go Diego?"
Mommy: "Diego is on at bedtime. You can watch then."
Repeat ten times a day.
Fast forward to bedtime and Go Diego music is playing
Maya: "YEAH! GO DIEGO! YEAH YEAH YEAAAHHH!! HeeHee Haaaaaa Yeahhhhhhhhhh!
Lilly and Allie simultaneously: "Not again! We are tired of Diego, can we PLEASE watch
something else?!"
Please let her pick a new show soon, for the sake of every one's sanity.
Reading it, this sounds so funny. But, I know it's not. It's really not. And I send you my sympathy.
Less than a year ago, Diego and Dora where the rage in this house. Now my son is obsessed with Spongebob. I swear, I think Spongebob is worse if for no other reason than that horrid laugh they have given him. The theme song is catchy, though. LOL What I'm trying to say here, is that I totally feel your pain. :)
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