Monday, October 27, 2008

I Never Thought I'd See This

Not that I never thought it was possible, just that it wasn't even on my radar screen. Our friends Ryleigh (2) and Brandon (6) spent the night on Saturday. Sunday morning as I was making waffles and whipped cream and the kids were (I thought) watching cartoons in the next room. I went in to announce that the feast was about to begin when I came across this;
Will taught Lilly to play chess about a year ago, and they have been playing quite a bit lately, and she wanted someone to play with, so she taught Brandon to play. They played all morning instead of cartoons, toys or general kid craziness they played chess. I love unexpected things like chess over cartoons.

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty awesome. I guess I should learn how to play so I can teach my son in the future. I love that they decided on their own.
