Friday, October 3, 2008

Our Own Sarah Palin-ish Moment, but it's okay Because ours is Four and not Running for Vice President

Allie: "Mommy, the animals that come out at night are noc-turtle"

Mommy: "That's right Al, they are nocturnal. Good remembering!"

Lilly: "Allie, what kinds of animals are nocturnal?"

Allie: "Well, lots of them are."

Lilly: "Yah, but which ones, the names of the ones that are nocturnal"

Allie: " Well, some of them, you know, the ones that come out at night"

Lilly: "What are their names? You know, like a racoon."

Allie: "Yah, racoons, they come out at night. That's what I said. The animals that come out at
night. They are noc-turtle. Those."


  1. Hey, she's got my vote. What she said makes a heck of a lot more sense than, "some of human activity can be blamed on global warming." Huh?

  2. Well you know some of them their supreme court decisions, I'm sure that I wouldn't agree with all of dem.

    lol Your daughter did it better.
