Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rats Don't Like Jelly Beans?

We were all at the animal shelter this afternoon entertaining the idea of adopting a second smaller dog. Why? Because I think Lukie would like a friend. He has no dog friends, and I don't think it's nice to not have friends. We all have friends, and it's nice most of the time. So I am on the hunt for a not small but not quite medium dog. So we were visiting all of the animals and we came to the little critter room. They have bunnies, hamsters, gerbils, and rats. Rats. I know, I hear they make great pets, but that tail freaks me out. We will never have rats as pets. No matter who begs. Maya is looking at one particularly large black and white rat climbing around his cage and she notices the rat turds on the floor of the cage. She turns to me and says,

"Mommy, he no likes those jelly beans?" I just about fell over with gales of laughter. I explained to her that no those weren't jelly beans, they were rat poop. She was much less interested after that

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering were a post with such a title might go, and I was not disapointed.

    We had pet rats. They do make great pets if you get them when they are young and handle them often. We had one that had free range of part of the house. Really.
