Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The "F" Word

We have been through the discovery of swears with Lilly and Allie, and now, Maya has found out all about them. She came up to me and said, "Mommy, Ryleigh said, Fuck" I sort of did a double take and told her that it wasn't a nice word to say and that Ryleigh shouldn't say it and neither should she. She ran back to Ryleigh and said, "Ryleigh, Mommy said don't say Fuck."
So I called her back to me and told her that when she says Fuck to tell me someone else says it, she is saying it too. So I told her to say "F word" instead of Fuck. She likes to say "f word" I think she assumes it has power. She likes to tell me people say "the f word" all the time. Once she told me the dog said it. We have a rule in our house that Will came up with so swears aren't taboo. The girls are allowed to swear in their own beds at bedtime. That way they know there is a time and place for those words but that time is when no one else is around to hear them. Allie had a problem using all kinds of words totally inappropriate for a three year old, until the bedtime rule was instated. Since then it has never been an issue. I thought he was crazy and that they should not be using those words, but he made a good point that if they weren't forbidden they wouldn't be a big deal, and I admit, he was absolutely correct. So, back to Maya and the "F word". Maya has been told about the bedtime rule and has never been non-compliant about it. Until Today. Yes, I know she is only two and can't be expected to follow such guidelines, but she does follow them unless she is intentionally violating the rule. She was mad today at something, so she went into the playroom and started yelling, "F WORD F WORD FWORD! F WORD! F WORD F WORD!!!"
She was not yelling fuck, she was yelling f word. I don't remember when I ever laughed so hard (from the other room where she couldn't see me). Then I promptly corrected her language. Those words are only for use at bedtime.


  1. Okay, I have to admit that I've always felt like curse words only have power because people give them power. I've never been shy about using an appropriate word in an appropriate situation, and sometimes the appropriate word is a curse word. I love Maya's use of the 'f-word." That is just too funny!!!!

  2. I love that rule, and should probably consider applying it to my own potty mouth. So far, I've been pretty good at behaving around Michael but I know that some a-hole will cut me off in traffic and 2.5 years of good behavior will be ruined in a matter of seconds.

    We WERE. NOT. ALLOWED. to swear growing up, and I fully believe that's where my love of the f word came from.

  3. Too funny! I, too, love the F word. In fact, I admit to having quite the potty mouth, too. My DH, however, is a bit more straight-laced and I really have to watch my mouth around him. My car is my haven, though, where I can let loose with the foulest strings of expletives known to man. Too bad I commute with both boys! LOL.
