Saturday, December 13, 2008

The First Lost Tooth

Lilly finally lost her first tooth. It has been loose for six months...I think. She refused to wiggle it, or even really touch it. It was actually loose for so long that the new tooth grew in behind it before it could fall out. I really wanted to wiggle it, but Lilly was adamant that she wanted it left alone. So we left it, figuring it would fall out eventually. Last night as she was wrestling with Will, she took a face plant into the bed, and out it came! She was so happy that it was out, and finally realized that losing a tooth was painless. I hope the next one comes out a lot faster, I think she does too. She has that wonderful toothless smile, and looks so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute. I can't believe she wouldn't touch it. Wiggling teeth were irresistible when I was little.
