Friday, December 19, 2008


We have had our foster dog, Sully for almost a week. She has settled right in as you can see from the picture of her on the couch. We love her. She has to be one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. And cute. So cute. I don't know who would have ever gotten rid of her. She loves the girls, and is super smart. I taught her to sit, lie down and stay in about half an hour. She is totally house trained, and doesn't appear to shed. Seriously, she is pretty close to the perfect dog. Luke, our dog tolerates her. I thought he would be so happy to have a friend, but he doesn't seem to be overjoyed about her arrival. Will said to me, "think about it, how would you feel if I brought home another woman and honey, I brought her home to help you around the house, aren't you happy?" I laughed and then thought about that. I guess Luke may feel like this is his home and she is competition, but do dogs feel that way? They have started playing more the past two days, so maybe he will end up liking her. If no one wants to adopt her, and Luke ends up liking her, I would love to keep her. I thought this might happen.


  1. She's a very pretty dog, and sounds like she has a great personality to match. I got a giggle out of your husband's comment about bringing in another woman to help you around the house.

    I hope both dogs end up adjusting, because I have a feeling Sully might be sticking around for a while.

  2. Do you have any idea what kind of dog she is? She looks beautiful and we are going to be looking to adopt in January.

    I hope the two dogs get along well. Otherwise, where are you? lol. Maybe we can come adopt her.

  3. She is a border collie mix through a wonderful rescue in Maine called Lucky Pup Rescue. I have a link to their blog in my blog roll. I really do like her, there is just something about her that is really special.

  4. She sounds like the perfect dog, can we trade? Just kidding. I'm sure Luke will come around eventually...dogs are definitely territorial and they have to work out who's going to be leader of the pack.

    Something tells me you may be too attached to give her away:P Isn't it crazy to think of all the good animals out there that people just get rid of? If only they could talk and tell us their stories...
