Last night Will decided the kids should go out to eat. He had Lilly empty her bank and put it in a purse. Then he told all the girls to dress up in their best princess outfits. He printed out a menu with prices, set the table, lit some candles and dressed up as a waiter. He escorted all the girls to their seats and took their orders. I was the chef and bus boy(which wasn't really any different than any other night) and custom made each order. They all ordered dessert, and after dinner tea. It was actually really cute. They kept yelling, "waiter!" from the dining room. Will said that his Mom used to do the restaurant night for him every so often and he loved it. I think the girls will request it quite a bit.
How awesome is that? Do you take reservations?
We sure do, but the menu is limited without advance notice. Ha!
Love your blog! Maya has her BAD look on for that awesome front picture...
What a great Dad! My girls are lucky if their Dad pulls a frozen pizza out of the freezer (although he has lots of other great points!).
That is so sweet! What a great idea and a SUPER dad!
That is so awesome! What a great idea
That's such a great idea!
Can Will come over to our house to play? You guys really do some wonderful things for/with your kids. What a fabulous idea!
That is such a fun idea! I love the fact that he asked them to dress as princesses. What more could a girl ask for? Dressed as princesses being waited on by their daddy. (and mommy)
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