Monday, April 6, 2009


These were some of the gems we ended up with while trying for a good picture while we were locked out of the house. Will took the house key off the key ring and didn't put it back...Why do we have only one set of keys? We don't. We have (had) two, but they were misplaced by my dear sweet husband who claims he had nothing to do with their disappearance. Whatever. Every time they have gone missing, he has put them somewhere they shouldn't be. I figure they will turn up eventually. In the meantime, we took pictures. I even got some of Allie riding a flamingo, but I'll save those for another time.


  1. How lucky that while you were locked out that you also had your camera! You got some really great pictures!

    When I was locked out of our house w/Cooper I was still in my pajamas..... then I had to meet a new neighbor and ask to borrow their ladder to climb up on the roof to crawl through a window. Fun times!

  2. What is it about men and keys?

    As far as your girls, I know I've said it before, but they are so gorgeous. I can't believe how many great pictures you get of them together. They do actually fight and stuff, right? If not, can I borrow them occasionally?

  3. I am her husband and I did not lose the keys. I know this because she always finds them when I lose them. Therefore I did not lose them. Because she would have found them. When she loses things they gone forever. That is her superpower she can find everyone elses stuff but hers. It is a bad superpower. I wouldnt pick her for my team.

    Will Russell
