Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 5k

Yesterday, Father's Day, My dad and I ran a local 5k. We have been running together off and on for about a year now, taking a long break last year after my car accident. Yesterday was our favorite weather for running. It wasn't quite raining, but it was heavily misting, and cool. It was the first annual run, and there were over 1000 runners. It was a family friendly run, but due to the weather, there weren't many kids around. My dad is much faster than I am, but he stays with me so we can do it together. I have only been running about year and a half, and he has been doing it for ten, I think. I love that we can do this together, and we decided that we will do this race every year on Father's day as our gift to each other.
During the race, Will got his Father's day gift. He got to sleep in. My Mom kept the girls, and they got to play, do crafts and have a tea party, which they love more than anything. When he got up, he got his other gift, the new Tiger Woods game for the Wii. He spent a good portion of the day playing it and remrking on how cool it is. I am glad I listened to him and got that game. After we got home from the race, I made a huge breakfast for all of us, and then we just hung out together. It was a great family day.

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