Monday, July 6, 2009

Sun! Finally. And the 4th of July.

We have had four gorgeous, rain free days here! Everyone is in a much better mood. We spent the day today at the beach, and I forgot to sunscreen my lower legs, so I ended up with bright red shins. Well, bright red all over except for the child sized hand print across my right shin. Apparently one of the girls touched my leg right after I sun screened her and that left me with one protected spot. It looks pretty funny. We had a great time on the 4th. The kids loved the fireworks, but the sparklers were by far their favorite thing. We all stayed up late and than everyone slept in in the morning. We slept until 8:00, which is unheard of over here, and definitely a welcome side effect from the night before.


  1. Yay for sun!!! It's about time!!! Your pictures of the fireworks/sparklers are cool the way you can see the whole shape!

  2. I'm glad you got some sun...well except for the sun you got on your legs. I'd lecture you about it, but considering my back is still burning and now itching, I think it would be hypocritical: p

    I love the picture with the heart shaped sparkler trail. It's very cool.

    As to your comment on my blog, where do you live? I wonder that all of the time, but never ask because I feel like it's something I should know for some reason.

  3. The sparkler pictures are amazing!

    Yay for days of sun!!! (Hopefully that will happen again soon!)
