Saturday, December 19, 2009

All wrapped up

Allie is beside herself with joy. She has chosen the perfect gift for me for Christmas, which is odd considering that she hasn't left the house in a week. She wrapped it up all by herself, beautifully I might add. She decorated the package and presented it to me this morning. She pleaded with me to open it then and there, much like I have been doing with my own mother for the better part of December (I cannot wait for her to open it!) And much like my own Mother I told her I would open it Christmas morning. She begrudgingly agreed. My Mother, who had been with Allie during the wrapping, and who had provided the box, pulled me aside after Allie had left the room and said, "I won't tell you what's in there, but if you happen to be looking for your black heels...". Sweet! I love those shoes.


  1. I love it! She sure has good taste. I remember doing that as a kid. The spirit of giving is live and well!

  2. Ok, that one really did make me laugh out loud. At my desk. With people around. I hope you don't need your black heels before Christmas.
