Thursday, January 7, 2010


Christmas was great this year.  It was super low key, the kids had a blast opening gifts, and couldn't actually believe they got the mechanical hampsters.  They actually played with them the most out of all the gifts.  I was so gkad to see them so happy.  We also got them a new play kitchen, which they adore.  We took the traditional top of the stairs picture, (Allie had received a cherry chapstick which she proceed to smear all over her lips and a dry spot next to her mouth, making her look odd to say the least.)and then continued down to the land of toys.  We all had a great time watching each other open the gifts we had so carefully chosen.  Allie was beside her self with joy when I opened my own shoes which she had wrapped up.  We take the kids every year to choose gifts for eachother and us and my Mom and Dad.  We took them to the dollar store this year so they could choose anything without having to give them a budget, and it is the happiest they have ever been.  I loved this Christmas because they were so much more into the giving than they have been in the past.  They really couldn't wait for us to open what they had chosen.  We were going to have a late lunch, but we were all kind of lazy so we pushed it to an early dinner and no one could have been happier.  Well, Maya could have been as she was still sick and hacking so badly that she couldn't eat, but she hung out on the couch and drank gatorade and watched Dora and was happy.  This has been the best Christmas so far.  These are the past 3 years of top of the stairs pictures, I cannot find the one from Maya's first Christmas, or any before that, but they're here somewhere...


  1. Your girls are so cute and so sweet. I'm glad you had a great Christmas. I'm glad the girls actually played with their hamsters too...

  2. How fun! Cooper ended up getting 4 zhu zhu pets from his Papa Olsen.... it was love at first sight. He made them a bed out of a leftover box and his taggie blanket.
