Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The thief
So I picked Allie up from school today and noticed that she had a really pretty sweater on under her coat. It was not a sweater I have ever seen before. She was certainly not wearing it when she left the house this morning. So I say to her, "Al, where did you get that sweater?" and she says, "lost and found, I thought it looked like mine.". (she has never owned a sweater that remotely resembles the sweater she now had on). So I asked her,"you thought it looked like yours, or you thought you would like it to be yours?". Allie says, "well, I really like it, could you get me one like it?". I told her that we would see but that she needed to return that one tomorrow. After we had the whole stealing talk. Little stinker. Oh, and the sleeves were rolled over about six times and it hung down to mid thigh. She is a girl who will do anything for fashion.
Oops. It's sounds like a decent situation to deal with the stealing lesson. My poor mom had to deal with my sister hiding cheese under her raincoat at the grocery store. That one was really awkward.