Allie loves makeup. Loves. Makeup. I find this odd because the closest I come to makeup is
chap stick. We got her her own kid makeup for Christmas, and every day after school she rushes to put it on. She spends a good ten minutes applying and reapplying the same coat of lipstick and eyeshadow. She is not allowed to wear it out of the house, and it disturbs her to no end. What disturbs me? That my five year old has made herself up to look like a deranged clown. I do love her so.
Funny, that's how my makeup looks when I do it!
Funny! I'm sure I would have this daughter, too, if I had one. I'm a chapstick girl, too.
Ahhh, the Barbie look! I remember the blue eyeshadow when I was a kid. But I used to put makeup on my mom, not on myself. My poor mom! LOL. I wonder what genetic code predisposes some girls to be into makeup, and some girls to NOT be in to makeup. She needs one of those head dolls--you remember the ones--where you can put makeup on them and do their hair? Actually, maybe that's what I needed! Good luck!
LOL Maria--Doesn't everyone look beautiful in blue eyeshadow? :-)
Love the blue eyeshadow!!! I am a total makeup girl, so when my little girl grows up she will probably be a chap stick only type too. :) Cooper has chap stick but he calls it lipstick. I put some on him at bedtime during the winter and he always asks about his 'wipstick' for his dry lips.
I'd suggest picking up one of those cheap eyeshadow kits at Walmart that has tons of different colors. That way, you could post the color of the week pictures on your blog.
I love, love, loved make-up when I was little. I mean LOVED it, so I know exactly where she's coming from.
I love it! Lana loves makeup too--she puts on my makeup every day when she gets ready. Luckily all of my makeup is the cheap stuff from the drugstore and I prefer muted colors, which barely show up on her dark skin. I see one of those Barbie heads in our future!
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