We went to visit my grandmother for Easter this year. We had a great time, and the kids favorite thing was, without a doubt, playing on the roof of her garage. The roof is flat, and large, plus its just one big step up, as she lives on a hill and the house is up above the roof line of the garage. I remember playing up there when I was a kid and loving it. nHaving a healthy respect for the edge and feeling totally comfortable up there. They were completely thrilled with being allowed to play up there. I have to be honest, though. As much as I adored doing that as a kid, it made me so nervous and crazy as a parent...all those fears of them FALLING OFF THE ROOF! They didn't, and had a great time, but it was my least favorite thing about the trip, and I am so not a hoverer, but for some reason I just couldn't go along peacefully with this one...
(all roof adventures completely supervised under several competent adults!)
Don't we all have those moments where we remember when we were fearless by watching them. Except that now, we have those fears our parents had...