Thursday, September 16, 2010

Even though we knew it was coming...

Our sweetest houseguest is leaving us on Saturday.  I would be lying if I said that we are not heartbroken.  It is impossible for me (and Will) to not fall in love with a baby who lives in our home.  Seriously, I never thought I could love a kid who isn't mine as much as I love my own, but I've got to say, that little guy wiggled his way in and is now lodged directly in the middle of my chest.  I am glad he gets to see his Mom again and that she has improved her situation, but I don't want to let him go all at the same time.  It's going to be a tough weekend around here, so send a good thought our way in Saturday if you don't mind...


  1. Bittersweet. You've done such a wonderful thing, it's a shame it's going to hurt so much. I'll be thinking about you guys and my heart is breaking a little for how hard it's going to be.

  2. I couldn't have said it better than Joanna but just want to let you know that I second her thoughts and will be thinking of you too.

  3. Me too, I will be thinking of you this weekend as well. HUGS!

  4. Thinking of you! You have done a wonderful thing.

    I just noticed we have the same blog background too!

  5. All the best to you guys. What an amazing gift you gave to this wee one and to his momma. And what a gift he gave to you. Hope we hear updates from time to time. I'll be thinking of you guys!

  6. I'm so sorry, Maria.

    It can't be said enough what a wonderful, giving, loving person you are, Maria. You've given yourself unconditionally to this child (and surely he has given his trust and adoration back to you), and that time together will have, hopefully, enabled his Mom to give him a better life, and left an impression in his soul. What a gift.

    The example you give to the girls is beyond measure. The painfulness of sending him home will be in proportion to the love you have all given him. You'll have each other in your grief, and in your joy, always.

  7. Wishing you the best. (((HUGS)))
