Monday, January 24, 2011

Still here, and a name change

So I decided to change the name of my blog to better reflect this time in life, and since without fail I always find glitter when I am cleaning out the lint trap in my dryer, I thought it was appropriate.  Plus, as hokey as it sounds, I try to find the good in everything. Even if that good or bright spot is actual glitter among all the gross laundry leftovers.

We are still chugging along. It is way too cold here and the snow banks are too big to see over, but everyone can put on their own snow clothes and enjoy a good sledding expedition, so everything is good there.  The girls have been enjoying the many snow days we have has as of late, and I have been enjoying having them home (and not having to do the morning scramble).

Lately we have enjoyed; jumping really high, forcing each other to smile, sharing hugs with our naughty dog, and reveling in the aftermath of "accidentally" unrolling an entire roll of paper towels.

We've got some exciting stuff coming, and we are thrilled about it. I cannot wait to share more.


  1. LOVE me some Hipstamatic. More more more posts Maria!!!

  2. Oh I likey the new name! You know you live in a house of girls when you find glitter in the lint trap!

    Beautiful photos of your beautiful three :)

  3. The new name is just what you think of a house of girls! I especially like the last picture.
