Thursday, June 16, 2011

On the road to Rhode Island

So we went to Rhode Island for my brother in law's wedding. Very sweet tiny ceremony, wedged in between the rain and wind, the one dryish part of the day. It was lovely.


We had a whole weekend to fill. We let the kids spend the entire morning in the hotel pool. When they came out their hair had formed what I can only describe as rubberized ropes, and even after several days of washing conditioning rinsing repeating, it's still a mess. Any ideas what happened there?
Then we met up with some of our oldest friends and went to this teeny tiny kick ass aquarium where there were more touch tanks than anything else. Maya was absolutely taken with the shark petting tank. Yup, that's right. There were two tiny dogfish sharks that you could pat, and they were actually seeking out people to get some love. I think she stood there for close to an hour playing with the sharks. (that's a sentence that I never thought I'd write) Lilly also braved the sea creatures and held a giant horseshoe crab. It was pretty awesome. We then had ice-cream for lunch and spent three hours at a playground right around the corner from where Will grew up. It was a great weekend.


  1. Maybe too much chlorine in the pool? They have special shampoo to help get chlorine out.

  2. Sounds like a great trip. Love the image of Maya petting a shark for an hour.

    For their hair, you could try the original Nuetrogena shampoo. It will strip that gunk out fast. But follow with conditioner!
