Lilly came to me after dinner and told me that she had written a whole page full of a story. She sounded out all of the words herself, and was extremely proud. I am proud of her, too. This is her story exactly as written, then translated. She is five and a half.
thare ouns wus a mothr ho livd with hir chilgrin. Ounz namnd Lilly AND Allie AND Maya AND tha wet too the stor tha bot Sunscren AND Bathing sots AND SoDU AND wipdcrem AND tawuls AND sum toys too AND tha Want too the chacout AND tha all liVD Happyly evr aftr. the enD.
There once was a mother who lived with her children. One's named Lilly and Allie and Maya and they went to the store and bought sunscreen and bathing suits and soda and whipped cream and towels and some toys too and they went to the check out and they all lived happily ever after. The End.
I love that shopping is what she wrote first about. I guess we go pretty often. I love that she can write down her thoughts now. She is also constantly reading everything she can see. I am so proud of her and love all of the funny misspellings that make total sense. I can't wait to show her the actual page when she is grown up.
Wow, that is really special and really sweet. She is very smart!