Sunday, June 22, 2008

A New Running Milestone For Me

Today I went running with my Dad for the first time. I have been wanting to do this for years, but have found one excuse or another not to get in shape. This past March I started to get fit for the rest of my life and I have been sticking with it. I started working out at the gym, and integrated running with the Elliptical machine. Running has always been hard for me, but I have always wanted to be a runner. I am running a 10k in August...6.2 miles, more than I have ever run. I am doing this race with my Dad, and I know I can do it, but I also know that it will kick my butt. I am very close with my mileage per week, only adding about half a mile to each of my longest runs a week, which will get me to exactly 6.5 miles on race weekend ( I know, I'm cutting it kind of close). Today I was slated to run 3.5 miles. That is more than I have run in years. There was a huge thunder storm before we went out, and it was still drizzling when we left, but that is my favorite kind of weather to run in. It was hard, it was satisfying, and was great to run with my Dad, who ran along side me, though I know it was a painfully slow pace for him. At the last half mile we were blessed with a downpour, and we both let out a cry of joy. It was a truly fulfilling experience.

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