Saturday, June 21, 2008
One of Those Moments Where You Just Have to Laugh
I was getting dinner ready tonight, and I thought I would get the "pink milk" out and poured for the girls. Pink milk is special strawberry milk from a local farm which we only get as a treat every so often, so it's sort of sacred to the girls. I grabbed the brand new glass quart bottle out of the fridge and started to open it when it launched itself out of my hands and shattered into a bazillion pieces on the floor. Pink milk and glass splattered as far as you could see. Allie started wailing because the precious pink milk is all over the floor and is no longer drinkable. I tell her to pleasestopcryingaboutspilledmilksomommydoesn'thaveabreakdown, and picked up all of the shards that I could see, big, small and in between and then tried to soak up all the tiny unpickupable pieces with paper towels. Then I took out the mop...I hate the mop. My husband picked it out and it is not one of those self wringing mops, it's the old school string mop you have to push through the squeezer on a bucket to get the water out. Why he had to have that mop, I will never know, but I hate hate hate it. So I mop, mop, then vacuum, swiffer wet jet, vacuum and mop one more time. On the last round of mopping, I am really aggravated with the damn mop and lean a little too hard into it as I am trying to get the bucket to squeeze the excess water, the mop bends, my hand slips and I punch myself in the face. No joke. Now I am so mad all I can think to do is laugh and try not to throw the mop across the room. I finish the job and put the mop in the garbage. I guess I know what two things are on my shopping list milk and a mop to clean the next spill.
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