Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Allie is Four Today!

Four years ago today, my very sweet, sweet girl was born. She kept me up all night and made her appearance at 6:59 am. I remember her eyes were and still are as blue as the sky on the most beautiful day. She is the only one in our immediate family with blue eyes, which she likes to remind us of often. Al was a very easy going baby, rarely complained, and reached all of her milestones early. She was crawling at six months, and walking at nine and a half. She is a very down in the dirt princess. I know, the two don't usually mix, but Allie will wear her princess dresses out to play in the sandbox or to dig in the dirt. She is a very sensitive and intuitive little person who has a slight preoccupation with The Blessed Mother, princesses, bugs, and naughty words. She loves to try the monkey bars, to swing really really high, and vanilla ice cream. She is a snuggle bug and a TV lover, a wonderful artist and a sweet soul. I am so proud of the little person she has become, her caring nature and her odd sense of humor. She is a wonderful addition to our family and I feel so blessed that she lights up every day we spend with her. I Love You, Al...Happy Birthday!
(Here's a picture of Allie describing the face our cat was making when he came face to face with a dog!) She said, "Wilson put his ears down flat and scrunched his nose up like this!"

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