Today is Lilly's first day of school. I was nervous that she would be nervous, but she wasn't...much. She chose her outfit, a butterfly shirt, skirt and fun socks. She chose her breakfast, toast, eggs and juice. We headed out to wait for the bus. Now, Lilly insisted that she take the bus to school. I wanted to drive her for the first day, just to make sure that she got in to her class without incident, but she wanted no part of that plan and I figured she should do what made her most comfortable so she took the bus. Will followed the bus. All the way to school. He said the bus driver seemed to get a little nervous having someone follow him through all the stops and strange turns, which is totally understandable as the bus driver didn't know he was going to do this. Lilly got to school and ended up seeing one of her friends from the meet and greet at school yesterday, so she was happy. Will said she took her teacher's hand and trotted into school. I hope she is having a fantastic day and cannot wait to see her this afternoon.
LOL, I love that he followed her to school.