Friday, September 5, 2008

Lilly's Sixth Birthday

Today my oldest girl is six. I simply cannot believe that this is true. I feel like the math is wrong or some years were skipped. Wow. Lilly is growing into a more amazing girl everyday. From the day she was born, there was something different about her. I swear she was born a sixty year old woman. She was never fussy, always very aware and looking introspective. She studied and still does study people quietly and carefully before deciding how she feels about them. She is a very forgiving person. She is one of the most giving young people I have ever met. Lilly never went through the jealousy that usually comes with new siblings. She has always been extremely caring and compassionate toward her sisters and everyone else for that matter. Even as a two year old, Lilly never had issues sharing. I don't think the word 'mine!' ever crossed her lips. She is a very sensitive soul and is shy when meeting new people, but once she knows someone she invests all of her feelings in them. Lilly is always thinking about other people and even let her little sisters open some of her birthday presents so they wouldn't feel left out (although they each had a small gift to open too). I have been amazed daily at the things Lilly can do. She is the girl who takes everything in, even if you don't realize it, and she will tell you about something weeks later that you didn't even know she knew about. She sure is a special little person. I cannot wait to see what she becomes, but I am sure looking forward to the coming years. Happy Birthday my Lilly girl, I Love You with all my heart.


  1. I LOVE how you describe your daughters. They sound like wonderful little people! Happy Birthday to Lilly and Allie!

  2. Happy birthday! She sounds like a very special little girl.
