Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Dog Who Could Fly (or so she thought)

We have a porch off our bedroom, which is on the second floor. Sully likes to hang out there with us in the evenings. We usually sit out there for some time, and she watches the birds and squirrels. Sometimes she will put her front paws up on the ledge and look over, but Will and I both thought she just wanted a better look. Tonight I was sitting on my bed and she was out on the porch, looking over like she usually does, when I see out of the corner of my eye, her jump onto the ledge. I yelled her name, and she leaped over the side. Seriously? From the second floor?! What the hell is wrong with my dog? I heard her crash through the brush and thud onto the ground. I raced downstairs and out the door expecting to find her dead or paralyzed on the ground, but instead she comes trotting around the corner and takes off for the neighbor's yard. Their son caught her and I brought her home. As of now, she seems fine, but I am waiting...I am sure she will be sore tomorrow. No more porch privileges for her.
Update: As of this morning (AKA the day after the jump) she seems fine. She is being a bit more cautious about everything, but I think I like her better that way.

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