Monday, June 8, 2009

Jump Suit and Sparkly Shoes

Allie got a leotard trimmed with sequins around Easter. I swear, every day since then she has worn it. Every day. We have implemented a rule, she must wear pants, a skirt or shorts over it if we go out anywhere. She fought me on this for many days, until she realized that she wasn't going to be able to wear it at all unless she followed the rule. Now, when we are home, even in the yard, I am fine with her just wearing her leotard (she calls it her jumpsuit). It has become her uniform, and the only shoes that she will wear with it are sparkly (and I mean sparkly like you have nightmares about and that leave a trail of glitter behind her wherever she goes) pink Mary Jane type shoes. I thought she would tire of this outfit, but she hasn't. I am starting to think she may start kindergarten in that damn jumpsuit. Which would be just about right for Allie. I love that kid, and her sense of style.


  1. A girl after my own heart. I'm just wondering what shorts she's going to wear with it on the first day of kindergarten.

  2. She is an individual, an independent woman. I love it!
