Monday, July 27, 2009

Maya age 3 years, 2 months

It is rare that I get a picture of Maya in all her sweetness and herself-ness (the non-crazy-silly-wild part). Usually, they are like this...
or this...or this...
So I was thrilled this afternoon when I got this sweet, true representation of her (even though the background is less than desirable). Although the other pictures are equally her, I love the expression on her face in this one (and all the others too).


  1. haha I love the first pics...if J could cross his eyes I would make him do it all the time just so I could get pictures like that!

  2. She is so pretty! It is hard to get non-silly pics lately, I agree!

  3. I love all the pics--the silly and the sweet! She is adorable and has quite the personality--I can tell!

  4. She is so pretty. I love that she is both goofy and sweet and serious. Why do I have the feeling that she's going to push a lot of buttons with the goofy stuff, and then turn that sweet look on and everyone is just going to end up smiling in the end?
