Thursday, July 30, 2009

Potions Class

All of my girls are in love with all things Harry Potter. They love the magic, the characters, and the story line. We have read the books and they have seen all but the newest movie. This has not been a waning interest. I think it has been three or four years, which for little ones is a really long time it seems to me. I figured it would pass, but it really hasn't. They use markers for wands, have been Harry and Hermione for Halloween a few times, and are forever shouting spells at fairly regular intervals. Will decided that they should have potions classes when he gets home from work every day. Needless to say, this is their favorite activity of the day. A few days ago, he brought home flying turtle eggs (dry ice) and goblin's blood (green food coloring). He had previously bought cauldrons (black salsa bowls) for each of them. He put the turtle eggs and water into the bowl and had the girls add the goblin's blood. The looks on their faces were priceless. They had so much fun, and I think Will was just as excited as they were.


  1. You and your husband are REALLY cool parents! That looks so fun (and educational). I wish I was that creative!

  2. What a great idea! You guys are so creative. Your girls are very lucky to have such thoughtful parents.
