Monday, November 16, 2009

Christmas movies for kids

We spent the weekend laying low, trying to avoid the germs that mass crowds bring. Will thought it would be fun to bring the kids to see Santa at the mall which I quickly shot down due to my slight phobia of the germiest places. He was disappointed and also thinks I am slightly neurotic, but went along with my craziness (I am assuming to keep the peace). So we spent all of the raniest Saturday ever on the couch watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story (Allie cringed when Flick went to stick his tongue on the pole, remembering all too well her experience with the fence
last winter). The clear winner was Chevy Chase, and I think we watched it four times that day. The girls are running around the house singing hip hip hooray for Christmas vacaaaaaation! I'm not sure it was the best choice for them, but it gave us all a much needed day of rest.
Oh, still not a mechanical hamster to be found...


  1. I don't know why, but the phrase mechanical hamster just cracks me up. Maybe because I've had real, live hamsters and they are really not interesting enough to be replicated by robots.

  2. Our favorite Christmas movies are A Christmas Story and Elf. I can't wait for Christmas! :-)
