Thursday, November 12, 2009

Well, that's really the Christmas spirit, rotten toy company...

So I am standing in front of our local Target, waiting for it to open because o heard a rumor that they are getting a shipment of Zhu Zhu pets today. These are little fake hamsters that interact and are unfortunately the hot item for Christmas this year. Now I have several problems with this whole situation. First, I would never normally be standing here, participating on this insanity, but my girls have been asking for these fuzzy creatures for months. Seriously. I just thought they would get them for Christmas, having been made to wait would make ot that much sweeter, right? Well now we find out that the company has created an intentional shortage to drive the price up ( they are seven dollars if you can find them on stores, but are going for as much as 100 on line). What kind of holiday spirit is this? It makes me so mad that I don't even want to but any, just boycott the whole thong on principle, but then Will reminds me how totally thrilled the girls will be if we can actually find them some fake hamsters, and it makes it worth the aggrivation. I am buying extra if I can find them and we are doing the salvation army toy tree with them, because you know those kids don't have someone freezing in a line somewhere. I think of how happy they will be if I can make this happen for them. So hopefully I will be able to get some in here because I refuse to go on eBay. I really don't love this whole process, but if I can get some, it will be worth it. You can bet though, that those things will be from us, not Santa.


  1. They'd rather have fake hamsters than the real thing? LOL. Seriously--that is just wrong, and I wish everyone would boycott the little critters and teach the company a lesson. But I guess kids' desires trump rationality, huh? Good luck, and you're an awesome mom!

  2. Beth-
    we actually offered real over these back at their birthdays, and now we have a mouse which is no fun anymore, and they still want the damn zhu zhu pets. Oh, and they didn't have any this am at target, but I did manage to score some accessories. If this keeps up, we may wrap up the hamster house and tell them they can pick their own after Christmas. You know, because we didn't know which one they would want, and the market being flooded with the things in January!

  3. Ah, this reminds me of the good old Cabbage Patch days. I'm not looking forward to my turn in the high demand toy hell. I wonder what it will be.
