Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Allie!

On this date, six years ago, at 6:59 am, my amazing middle daughter was born.  She has changed my life.  She looked at us with the biggest shockingly blue eyes that morning, and immediately had me forever. Allie, you are one of a kind.  You are sweet and caring and lovely.  You are so into make up and fanciness and style.  You also love Harry Potter, and playing in the mud.  You love to water all the flowers and plants, and basically anything that can be watered, and some things that can't. You have the most beautiful lips.  Usually they are covered in some type of lip gloss, unless we are going somewhere, then you aren't allowed to wear it. You love nail polish and nearly always have your fingernails painted. You have learned to ride your bike without training wheels this summer, and it took you only about ten minutes to figure it out. Incredible.  You are incredibly sensitive, cry at every injustice, real or perceived.  You bounce back quickly.  You are extremely ticklish.  You love babies, and want to hold them all the time, unless they are crying, then you are all set.  You love the playground and ice cream and your family and friends.  You love television.  Love it.  You are extremely fair.  You want everyone else to be fair like you, and don't understand why people are mean sometimes.  You are nervous to start the first grade.  Your best friend (aside from Lilly and Maya) is Elowen.  You saw her at school after not seeing her much this summer and you literally jumped into each other's arms.  You are beautiful.  You love spending special one on one time with your favorite grown - ups, and I promise to do that more in the coming year.  Allie, you are my amazing daughter.  You look at each day with a sense of adventure, where anything is possible.  I love you more than you could ever fathom.  Have a wonderful, happy, sparkly seventh year, making this world better simply by being in it. 

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