Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Lilly!

Dear Lilly,
Eight years ago you were born.  You were the one who made me a Mom.  You are my first lovely daughter, the one who taught me to love so fiercely, so unconditionally, so wholly.  You looked up at me the night you were born with big, dark eyes and immediately showed off your three dimples.  You couldn't have looked more like your Daddy if you tried.  You settled in qiickly and were the calmest baby ever.  I don't ever remember a time that you cried as an infant.  We were very lucky.  We ARE very lucky to have you as our daughter.  You are unendingly unselfish.  You are helpful beyond measure, you are moody and quiet, you are joyful and loud.  Your smile lights up everything.  Your eyes have setteled on Hazel, more brown than greeen, except those rare occasions when you cry, then they are the brightest of green.  You are going into the third grade, and have made some amazing friends.  You have learned quickly that when a person isn't kind, she isn't worth being close to.  You have become an amazing friend. You are an amazing sister, you always share and think of Allie and Maya when you are doing anything.  You are a stickler for rules.  You love  the lake, and learned to swim well this summer.  You swim underwater and can do flips as well.  You also went off the diving board at the lake.  You are very proud.  You also learned to ride your bike without training wheels this summer.  That was an ordeal.  You cried and pushed and refused and tried to give up.  I wouldn't let you and you finally figured it out, and figured out what it means to persevere and to be truly proud.  You are a wonderful person.  Not just an amazing kid, but truly a person everyone should have the chance to know.  Thank you for teaching me to be a better person.  Lilly, I love you more than you could ever realize, and I only hope you will be happy and have a daughter one day who will allow you to feel the level of pride and love that you have shown me.  Have an out of this world ninth year, I cannot wait to see what comes along next.


  1. Happy Birthday Lilly!! Another beautiful letter to your girl--LOVE IT!

  2. Happy Birthday Lilly! And please tell your momma to stop making me get all misty eyed at work. Wait, never mind. You are so worth getting misty eyed over.
