Thursday, October 23, 2008

Little Thing Big Thing

Today was one of those days when I really saw Lilly change. She is clearly becoming more comfortable and familiar with her new routine of going to school, being at school, and trusting that that will stay fairly constant. Every morning when she gets on the bus, I stand on the sidewalk and wave to her. She usually walks to her seat, sits down and watches and waves until the bus is all the way down the street where we can no longer see each other. I wave back the entire time, and a little longer than I probably have to, just in case she can still see me. We have done this every day since school started. Today she walked on to the bus, found her seat, then she peered out the window at me, flashed the sign for 'I love you', and turned to talk to her friends. She never looked back. My sweet Lilly girl is growing up.


Beth said...

I must be really tired and emotional today, but that just made me tear up a bit. Of all the parental challenges, I think letting go must top the list. *Sigh*

Maria said...

I wept while typing that post, so yes I think letting go is the hardest...